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Note: Profit % is calculated based on the max day high from the next day after setup is posted till the day the options expire.
Data may not be 100% accurate, view details to see more information on underlying individual alerts.

Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
November-2023WB - Weibo Corporation110428.57%1428.57%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2023WB - Weibo Corporation53296.83%396.83%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2023WB - Weibo Corporation211533.33%1533.33%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2023WB - Weibo Corporation413150.00%1150.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2023WB - Weibo Corporation85354.10%1192.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2022WB - Weibo Corporation21162.22%162.22%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2022WB - Weibo Corporation514483.64%1483.64%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2022WB - Weibo Corporation51418.42%00.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2022WB - Weibo Corporation330215.06%3215.06%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2022WB - Weibo Corporation11027.27%00.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2022WB - Weibo Corporation62425.71%00.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2022WB - Weibo Corporation1109.68%00.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
December-2021WB - Weibo Corporation53269.05%1184.29%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2021WB - Weibo Corporation1881078.12%786.42%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2021WB - Weibo Corporation41364.48%164.48%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2021WB - Weibo Corporation330107.23%2148.65%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2021WB - Weibo Corporation1394155.01%9155.01%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2021WB - Weibo Corporation1257499.39%4621.24%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2021WB - Weibo Corporation761103.30%4151.25%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2021WB - Weibo Corporation221210109.92%10130.43%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2021WB - Weibo Corporation134933.92%1118.75%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2021WB - Weibo Corporation361818176.79%15210.78%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2021WB - Weibo Corporation3325896.25%17136.38%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2020WB - Weibo Corporation32239207.62%16292.13%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
November-2020WB - Weibo Corporation27198321.07%15404.47%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2020WB - Weibo Corporation622438168.75%21190.66%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
September-2020WB - Weibo Corporation764531299.52%38352.53%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2020WB - Weibo Corporation37201747.28%1082.38%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2020WB - Weibo Corporation61332889.80%26109.59%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2020WB - Weibo Corporation392514106.87%18142.84%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2020WB - Weibo Corporation372611242.94%20309.70%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2020WB - Weibo Corporation492524225.63%16344.65%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2020WB - Weibo Corporation564511188.55%36232.13%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2020WB - Weibo Corporation5547889.87%34117.57%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2020WB - Weibo Corporation19181286.11%16319.86%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2019WB - Weibo Corporation13112146.71%8198.16%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
November-2019WB - Weibo Corporation972141.19%7141.19%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2019WB - Weibo Corporation17143125.54%9186.88%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
September-2019WB - Weibo Corporation651112.18%5112.18%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2019WB - Weibo Corporation1082260.78%7294.47%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2019WB - Weibo Corporation33231098.10%12178.01%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2019WB - Weibo Corporation3932783.90%2894.38%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2019WB - Weibo Corporation651145.76%4178.20%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2019WB - Weibo Corporation53224.52%139.46%View Alerts | ROI Analysis

View all Alerts for WB | ROI Analysis for WB

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