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Note: Profit % is calculated based on the max day high from the next day after setup is posted till the day the options expire.
Data may not be 100% accurate, view details to see more information on underlying individual alerts.

Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
January-2024CVX - Chevron Corporation110110.00%1110.00%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2023CVX - Chevron Corporation312141.94%1141.94%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2023CVX - Chevron Corporation660176.07%6176.07%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2023CVX - Chevron Corporation33087.14%1255.77%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2023CVX - Chevron Corporation86215.69%138.46%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2023CVX - Chevron Corporation10100100.10%5183.36%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2023CVX - Chevron Corporation55541193.06%52200.18%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2023CVX - Chevron Corporation12120135.00%9178.25%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2023CVX - Chevron Corporation880103.11%7114.40%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation88091.12%7100.19%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation33294169.06%23208.42%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation532116.42%2172.79%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
September-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation22083.49%283.49%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation12102233.93%6379.56%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation330265.98%3265.98%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation110369.61%1369.61%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation21201182.95%15236.65%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation108261.15%4106.75%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation1410467.40%882.17%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation330392.66%3392.66%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2022CVX - Chevron Corporation770113.08%6130.43%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation402317172.01%18216.32%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation554213184.68%36213.52%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation12102155.87%8190.96%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
September-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation342311187.69%15283.06%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation3432259.94%1896.91%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation1913650.87%785.24%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation29245105.14%16150.04%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation554213126.57%28185.19%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation3631575.84%12178.90%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation3730766.92%16118.55%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation493514161.05%18306.47%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2021CVX - Chevron Corporation896920216.30%55267.69%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation1219922116.85%74151.49%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation13110922222.41%81294.45%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation14913415168.96%102217.47%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
September-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation1179423107.19%65148.26%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation1409644101.89%69136.86%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation12810523136.30%78178.91%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation1048519156.72%64203.81%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation15613224190.32%102241.73%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation17711661137.81%86181.93%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation1028418320.28%71375.68%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation583424469.59%27587.40%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2020CVX - Chevron Corporation34268117.16%14201.88%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation17170108.34%17108.34%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation362016121.95%17141.26%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation43394101.91%30129.06%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
September-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation28199397.46%14536.02%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation382216147.90%19168.98%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation625210105.95%36147.44%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation483810145.51%25210.41%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation29263108.06%16166.06%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
April-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation128475.17%5107.02%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
March-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation15132107.77%12115.08%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
February-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation14113115.43%8150.76%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
January-2019CVX - Chevron Corporation15123153.47%10179.40%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
December-2018CVX - Chevron Corporation954226.83%4276.06%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
November-2018CVX - Chevron Corporation1293136.70%7173.16%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
October-2018CVX - Chevron Corporation14113306.07%11306.07%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
Alert posted
Company#Alerts #Win
( > 2%)
( < 2% )
Avg Win%
( > 2%)
( > 30% )
Avg Win%
( > 30% )
September-2018CVX - Chevron Corporation17152306.36%15306.36%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
August-2018CVX - Chevron Corporation14122202.03%12202.03%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
July-2018CVX - Chevron Corporation14122137.05%12137.05%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
June-2018CVX - Chevron Corporation96389.92%5105.43%View Alerts | ROI Analysis
May-2018CVX - Chevron Corporation220185.07%2185.07%View Alerts | ROI Analysis

View all Alerts for CVX | ROI Analysis for CVX

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